Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 1, 2014

The first day of cny '14!

Greetings earthlings! I am finally back to this space to blog! I have been really busy with all my tasks. What brings me here today? Yup, you are right. It's FRIDAY! ... And it's the FIRST day of the Chinese New Year celebration! What a perfect combination, hahaha. Wishing you guys a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! May all of our wishes come true and may we be successful in everything we do. :D

Today is the day where everyone will spend their time with their family members and, not forgetting the reunion dinner/lunch/breakfast! Oh, I forgot about the red packets (angpaos)! :p

cny 2014

cny 2014
Cny deco ornament.

cny 2014
All the cny biscuits and treats that we have at home! This is too much, too much.

cny 2014
Mandarin oranges! It's been so long since I've ever eaten one cuz most of these oranges aren't sweet. :\

cny 2014
Bought new pots of chrysanthemums! 

cny 2014
Had steamboat on chinese new year eve. It was good but I didn't eat much though.

cny 2014
Temples are our must-go places during every chinese new year celebrations. These lotus candles are from thean hou temple.

cny 2014
Guess what? The starbucks crew gave me a new name! LRORIS. LOL. They can't get my name right this time.

They can't get my sis's name right previously.

Oh yes, that's me! Participated in one of the school's cny activities. It's called 吹梅 :D

my artwork
My artwork! Hehehe. I pretty love the outcome but too bad it was ruined by my friend's artwork due to the strong wind that day. :(



Before I end my post, I would like to wish you guys once again a very happy chinese new year. Enjoy your holidays and have fun! :)


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