Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 4, 2012

Little Ideas.

It's the first post of the month of April. It's been raining nowadays. It's good that the weather lately is not that hot, or else I'll feel like as if I'm gonna melt. Just had my exam yesterday. Another exam is on the next week. Ah, this year is full of exams. Imagine how are going to survive with all these? Oh wait, I'm still alive, hahaha. This is just crazy.

In love with pop art effects lately.

Went to the night market with the classmates just for the project. It was fun. Oh yeah, and a bunch of Australian students had just visited our school on Monday! How cool was that, hehehe. A few of us were chosen to be the ambassadors of the school. And my Australian partner of the day was Erin. She has the same name with my another friend. The tour was really awesome. Had very nice chats with them. It was one of the best days in my life. But too bad, my camera was not with me at that time. Exam ended yesterday. And I'm writing this post today, right now. Oh yea, Friday. Are you looking forward to the weekends? :P

Some random photos :

Late evening view.

One of my best shots this year. :D



It's funny that sometimes when we've something to say, but we just can't express it out with words, it's all in the mind. Yeah, I've got a lot more to say, but I just can't figure how am I going to squeeze them all in this post. Nevermind, I'll stop right here then. :D

Yours Truly.
Doris C.

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